Videos and Audios

Heart Projection is Protection

Aug 05, 2022

Hello Shaman College Community,

Following the last meditation, I wanted to spend some more time with you and focus with the understanding that the heart energy fills space.

Your heart's projection is protection for you.  This counters much common belief and cultural misunderstanding that the heart can be contained, hidden, or broken.

I share with you a mantra that comes from the Sikh tradition and the Kundalini Yoga tradition, and its interpretation that calls us into the power of the heart and how bowing to the heart itself opens us up to its its primary, timeless, non-contained, true wisdom.

What happens when you let yourself drop into the power of your heart? When you dive in to this centre and be here in this truth?

The path of this inquiry, welcomes you to walk the pathway into the Realm of the Heart.

The Heart energy is initiated through all space and time, it is a Divine initiation that moves through the antenna of your physical form concentrated at the physical heart...

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Energetic Anatomy Meditation

Jul 29, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

In this meditation, I guide you through your "readily accessible energetic anatomy".  This includes:

  • Your root system down through your pelvis- flexible, and strong.
  • Your sounding in the bones - the resonating chambers of your body.
  • Your energetic field, or auric field - that exists beyond your skin but can be felt as it is one with your physical body.
  • Your expansive heart, all directions and how it fills Space.
  • Your clear head, your crown open to the heavens.

All of these aspects can be experienced individually and together... they move and breathe together!

Through this meditation, you are invited into one of the most potent understandings within shamanism.  You are both form and formlessness.  You are in multiple realms.  The skilled practitioners can truly move and dance between the realms but also actually embodying the connection or bridge itself.

I discuss at the end a challenge that can arise with this...

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Mentor - Apprentice Heritage

Jun 01, 2022

I have been reflecting upon this beautiful mentor-apprentice relationship that develops through our programmes at Shaman College.  It calls me back through my life but also beyond that to lifetimes of mentors and apprentices through the ages.

A mentor assists their apprentice in drawing forth their light, their skills, their capacity and the surprises and beauty that no one could have predicted. An apprentice shows up for this.  Together, there is a meeting place.

At Shaman College, our goal is to honour this tradition through our online mentored trainings.  And, while I know we are always learning, adapting and growing, I believe that we have found a way to do this even through online communication.  Wow... what a surprise in itself.

Steve Serr had this vision and began successfully training many students, practitioners and teachers this way.  Our teachers at Shaman College have all been through this process and continue our tradition.

When we think of...

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Equinox Meditation - Seeing from the Heart

Mar 24, 2022

Equinox is a time of half-half... a perfect balance. In a perfect balance, there is a pause where no movement happens.  It is fleeting, at yet the energetics are important... it is an entry point, a portal of sorts.

Pauses are needed in healing.  They are the moments of non-doing.  You could even say that they are moments of "non-healing".  Of pure acceptance for what is in that moment.

There is an alchemical fire that exists in the moment of pure seeing, of simply and fully honouring what is here in this balance without asking for anything to change.

Of course change happens, movement happens... energy shifts and healing happens in its many ways.  From that pause, next steps are taken.  We add pieces and we take them away.  This change is also in the flow of existence.

On this Equinox, may we remember and be blessed by the pure seeing from the heart.  The pause of balance and the love that is here when we rest for a moment in the presence of...

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Calling Directions Guidance

Feb 14, 2022

As I have had a number of messages lately regarding "Calling the Directions"... I felt it was time to share some insights and guidance for this beautiful and widely shared practice.

This practice is very effective at opening the channels of infinite connections.  One of the dearest connections that comes forth is the link between you as an individual light, and the YOU as one with the whole of Creation.

In this video, I also open up the importance of looking at shamanic healing as a healing for the whole web itself.  We are all connected, each one's transformation impacting all of us.

I am sending out my encouragement to you so that you may find your authentic calling in all directions... and I am sending out my blessings that you may discover the assistance that is all around you.

with gratitude,


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Your are a Sacred Being - Earth Prayers

Jan 18, 2022

Dear Shaman College Community,

I welcome you to join me for the first Earth Prayers of 2022.  These are guided meditations that work with body and breath awareness to access the natural state of being and to radiate a healing vibration into the world.

I am grateful to you for your dedication to the beautiful and spiritual presence here on Earth.  "We contact together, the healing aspect of our make-up."  We are not alone... and when we align to see this, we dance with the web of existence to bring light on Earth.

In our White Shell membership we now have 76 Shamanic Yoga Kriyas, 49 Earth Prayers,  2 full workshops, and many more movement teachings.  If you feel it is time to work with your body and breath and really fine tune your instrument for this visionary work... you can try out the membership for a month for only £15.

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New Year's Blessings - "Bring in the Light"

Jan 08, 2022

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you,

I have been reflecting, asking and listening to what guidance is here for us at this time.  What can I share with you?  What is the message for this New Year?

It comes simply, it comes repeatedly, it comes clearly... "Bring in the Light".

When you become that vessel of light and receive the light....out pours action from your heart.

When you are stumped, confused, pushed, and questioned... take a pause, bring in the light and let action flow from your heart.

Sending out many blessings and prayers of light to you all.

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The Medicine You Carry

Dec 20, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

I hope you enjoy this video sharing.  And just maybe it can assist you through the holiday season and beyond?

Each one carries 'medicine' for this world. It is an energetic imprint, it is a spiritual light, and a presence that only you transmit.

Unlike the 'baggage' that gets carried as weighted challenges or traumatic scars... this medicine that you carry actually un-weights you.  It lifts you and it lightens the load on the wholeness of existence.

These energetic imprints and vibrations come through ancestral channels, physical places, your DNA, spiritual guides, plants, animals and more.

I ask you to sense-in and consider what many gifts you carry. I ask you to look at yourself through this lens that 'feels' the presence of these gifts.  You are the living, moving representation of these gifts. It is through you, that we get to meet this.


with gratitude,


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Butterfly Teachings

Feb 18, 2021

Every week, I ask the Ancestors and Spirits, "What do you want us to know?  To embody at this time? How can we be here in service to Mother Earth? What can we find out about our sacred vessel and it's capacities?"

These questions from the heart open the doorway to receiving a movement journey in the form of a shamanic yoga kriya.  The collection of this work is called White Shell Yoga.

Last week, Butterfly came to share her wisdom.

Your form carries the creative energy of the Universe. It is unfolding for you and with you.  You can have a dynamic relationship with this creative light.  Your old moulds and prescribed ways may have to melt away.  Yet, your body itself will allow you to express the light you are. There are colours here that you have always imagined.

She was especially assisting us in our unfolding of these wings.  Butterfly understands 'form' in a very different way than we do for she has undergone metamorphosis.

In this week's blog video,...

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Midpoint, Suspension and Darkness

May 05, 2020

In shamanism we work with cycles of life. The various aspects of the cycles come offering their own wisdom.  

In this video, Kimba explores with you the sacred midpoints of cycles as we are all within the midpoint of a moving season (spring or autumn).

Midpoints within cycles bring a divine pause, which can also feel and be sensed as 'nothing'.  They can be associated with darkness or blinding brightness - both are times when sight is less clear.

Here in this video, Kimba leads us all into a darkness meditation. The darkness is a realm that becomes familiar within shamanism and carries its own wisdom, beauty, grace, rest and even comfort.

While many people perceive the darkness as 'bad' or something to avoid and run from.  When we can go in ... and sit, and breathe and sense with the other senses, we can begin to receive the blessings of this phase of the cycle.

You may feel like remembering that this meditation is here... especially for those times when you...

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